Comments on: Meditation Upon Awakening Makes Jack Better Than You Sat, 02 Feb 2013 03:56:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Liza Liza Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:18:59 +0000 Robbin. Hello. Tis I, the great Liza. I just added All Work and No Play to my blog links. And this would be a threat to make you write more. But I don't think anyone visits my blog. So I guess it's not much of a threat. But I like reading what you have to say. And hope to talk to you soon. Robbin. Hello. Tis I, the great Liza. I just added All Work and No Play to my blog links. And this would be a threat to make you write more. But I don’t think anyone visits my blog. So I guess it’s not much of a threat. But I like reading what you have to say. And hope to talk to you soon.

By: Rob Rob Thu, 15 Nov 2007 00:01:25 +0000 OK, you bastard. Have at it. OK, you bastard. Have at it.

By: pat pat Wed, 14 Nov 2007 08:16:42 +0000 i think you have to decide whether it’s a response or not. and for what its worth and for the record and because i told you this already - i drew that comic in one shot in pen without knowing ahead of time what it was after spending several weeks thinking of pretty different ideas. I drew a bird that was standing and thought "nah, he should be flying." "why's he flying standing like that?" i think you have to decide whether it’s a response or not.

and for what its worth and for the record and because i told you this already – i drew that comic in one shot in pen without knowing ahead of time what it was after spending several weeks thinking of pretty different ideas.

I drew a bird that was standing and thought “nah, he should be flying.”

“why’s he flying standing like that?”

By: Rob Rob Fri, 09 Nov 2007 19:10:02 +0000 I wrote a blog post, but I haven't decided whether it's a response or not. I need to have a way to definitely mark a blog post, to say that it's in Experiment #1 or not. Damnit! I said that, now I have to leave it as a comment. - from my phone conversation with Pat I wrote a blog post, but I haven’t decided whether it’s a response or not. I need to have a way to definitely mark a blog post, to say that it’s in Experiment #1 or not. Damnit! I said that, now I have to leave it as a comment.
- from my phone conversation with Pat
